English IV : English Language and Literature-Instructor: Alexandra Lotsari-Groumpou

Department of Primary Education

English IV: English Language and Literature



In order to do well in the course students must already have an intermediate or advanced knowledge of the English language.


Objectives and Content

The aim of this course is to familiarize students with authentic texts of English Literature , prose and poetry and to teach them ways of speaking and writing about literature.

 The following is a list of  short stories,  poems , essays and a novel  that you may want to work with. (This list is renewed every academic year).

Short Stories

The Fall of the House of Usher  (1839)  by Edgar Allan Poe

The birthmark  (1846)  by Nathaniel Hawthorne 

A Little Cloud ( 1914) by James Joyce

Tickets, Please (1922) by D. H. Laurence

Hills Like White Elephants ( 1927) by Ernest Hemingway

The Road from Colonus ( 1947)  by E.M.Forster

The Use of Force ( 1950) by William Carlos Williams

My Oedipus Complex ( 1952) by Frank o?Connor

The Veldt ( 1951) by Ray Bradbury



Tradition and the Individual Talent ( 1919) by T. S. Eliot 

An essay that  formulates Elliot's conception of the relationship between the poet and the literary tradition which precedes him

The Art of Literature and Common Sense ( written between 1940-77 ) by Vladimir Nabokov

One of the few pieces that survive from Vladimir Nabokov’s creative writing course in the United States


 Fahrenheit 451 .... the temperature at which books burn   by Ray Bradbury


The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost ( 1874-1963)

Holly Thursday by William Blake(1757-1827)

London by William Blake

The Second Coming by W..B.Yeats ( 1865-1939)

Sailing to Byzantium by W.b.Yeats

Musee des Beaux Arts by W.H. Auden (1907-1973)

The Wreck  by Adrienne Rich (1929-    )

Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot ( 1888-1965)

Ulysses by Alfred , Lord Tennyson ( 1809-1892 )

Note : You can find the texts for the short stories and the poems in the internet by typing  the title , author’s or poet’s  name and the word “text” or pdf. If , however, you cannot find the texts for the titles above , please contact me during my office hours.


 Students  are expected to write an Academic paper

 around  5-6 pages long (it can be 2-3 pages longer but not shorter than 5 pages)  in Times New Roman  or Calibri size 12 double -spaced.

The  subject  of the Academic paper  will be of the students' own choice in the field of English Literature, prose or poetry. In order to write about Literature , students  should follow the  basic guidelines given for this purpose in the classroom and which are  available in the e-class. Studying carefully the document: Writing about Literature is highly recommended.

When writing about Literature, students should follow the MLA documentation style.

Check the documents in the e-class to find the MLA documentation guidelines .




Students are expected to  write an Academic paper in consultation with the teacher.


The final grade for the course will be based 80% on the  Academic paper and 20% on its oral presentation to the class. 


There will not be a final exam. 


Learning Tools:

All learning material can be found  in e-class:



Students who cannot for any reason write an academic paper and  want to secure a mark for the course, they should show proof of  Intermediate, Advanced or Proficiency Certificates in English.  Students who have an FCE are advised to write an Academic paper if they want to receive a mark above the passing grade (5) for the course.